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    These days I have been thinking of our English drama, so I didn't get sleep well. The distress also made me feel worried if I didn't manage the drama perfect. My classmates are working on the rehearsal. And then I must do my duty well.

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 A new medical research shows that cancer is a metabolic disease which was confirmed in Taiwan. Because the cancer cells absorb large amounts of glucose in the body and increase the cancer cell. If with the medical method to reduce the glucose in body, and then we can contoll and cure the cancer.


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    Today I'm very busy with the prepartion of our English muscial drama for the sophmore. I have to review the script and ask my classmates whether they're willing to act for  the show or not. I just hope I can do something different for this semester. It must be impressive at least I think.

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   By the frontal impact, the meteorological office continued to report and to say that today north central region have the opportunity to locally heavy rain or torrential rain occurred in the south, northeast and eastern regions , please note the instant heavy rain, and bring an umbrella with you. Especially in  Tamsui.


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     The hot social topic in these day is abot the building of nuclear reactor fourth. The demonstrators wallk on the street to show their dissatisfied. However, the government and police used the water cannon to expel the masses. I think that the most important issue that how government heard people's voice and how to work this out together is the key.


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    In Taitung coastline scenery, withit intact natural ecosystems, appeared like animals semaphore. Passing tourists feel incredible that they never seen traffic lights to remind passers-by spotted the animal, and township office and residential co-designed a series of animal signs, maintain traffic safety, unexpectedly, become a new attraction.


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    Academic journals JournalofEpidemiology raised less than the average age of people died, 70 percent underweight, much larger than the number of obese persons; however continue to be lean and healthy social atmosphere equate dieting so many people continue to fear weight gain, but maintain the right amount of body fat in order to maintain health.

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  In recent years, Liverpool, Birmingham and other places raging rodent, rodent expert has even captured a total length of more than 70 cm in Liverpool, like a kitten giant rat. Experts pointed out that fast food and household garbage-eating giant rats variants have emerged, rat poison on them are also invalid. Experts warned that there may be evolutionary imaging giant rats as big as cows!

Big Rat  

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  In recent years, many parts of the world, is extremely cold in winter and super hot in summer. The main reason is that human carbon emissions are too high, which resulting in global warming! Newly released UN report noted that carbon emissions per person per year to less than 2 tons, but Taiwan's per capita carbon emissions is 11.3 tons, weather experts warned that if not quickly reduce carbon emissions, more serious future climate extremes.

Taiwam Co2  

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    In the beginning I notced Jennifer Lopez was several years who acted for moives. Latter, I searched JLo and then gradually kenw more information about her. I like JLo, she is a great singer, let's appreciate her new video with Pitbull !!!

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OMG ! Today I want to introduce one of my goddess, Lady Gaga. The following video is released on 3/22 And this is about her new album ARTPOP. Such as fantastic woman, doesn't she ?

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    These days, I saw the news from BBC. A report by the UN's climate panel provides the most comprehensive assessment yet of the effects of climate change. It says natural systems are currently bearing the brunt, but the scientists fear a growing impact on humans.  What a horroible news!!!

dry place  

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    Come on and let's check out my Katy's new video. This video named " Dark horse", which described the queen in Egypt was desirable of treasure everything. Enjoy it

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    Yesterday, I saw some news abot Oscar.  Then I luckly saw my goddess, Emma Waston. She was at the 2014 Oscars show on Sunday !!! I guess most audience knew her due to her childhood moive " Harry Potter."


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    This week is the first start opening of school. After the winter vocation, many friends of mine seem still well as usual. Besides, I make the brand-new plan of this semester. I also buy a thick notebook to record my school life and take note the course. Hope everything will be going well as my expectations.

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    In this winter, I plan to go climbing the Alishan mountain. Later, I will join a climbibg team and invite my friends to journey together. In order to make this perfect shedule, I have to make a list first and preparation for the trip. The equipment must be the necessity for the whole climbing team. Such as a walking stick, water, food, and the seed of making fire and so on. All the destination is to view the magnificent scenery of the top of mountain. Therefore, I do not afraid the walk with difficulty because  the result  is so attracting. 

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    The Beauty Cafe' is the place that always makes me feel cozy during my afternoon free time. As I step into the cafe', there is a huge lollipop shape candy handing in front of the door of the store sign.

    Afterwards, I smelled a sweet coffee scent and I saw the brick on the floor is painted colorful pattern as if I went into Alice's wonderland. Also, I heard the sound, bang-bang-bang, and which is that the clerk was grinding the coffee beans. There is an old wooden clock. And then the light handing down the ceiling are decorated magnificently like the Versailles palace in Paris.

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  It's possible that sually rub nail polish may cause cancer ! According to the survey , the night market inferior uneven quality nail polish and even some contain a large number of different chemicals ,if you long-term use it, you may be skin pigmentation , and the carcinogenic potential . Market vendors selling nail polish variety, quality is more uneven, if you buy the inferior not only hurt the nails may also lead to the occurrence of disease ; Nantou County Health Bureau, said the purchase of nail polish to find the best ingredients written Chinese labels, use period should pay more attention.

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There is a snowman holding up  a gift.

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Santa Claus  

There is a Santa Claus sleeping with the puppies.

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