
There is a Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree in New York City.

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Katy Perry- unconditionally

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    The recently TV series program I saw calld " Drop dead Diva" The introduction of this program is describing that a beautiful model Deb died because of an accident. As Deb went to heaven, she had disputed with her doorman Fred and she pressed the return  button and then came back to earth . However, a big problem from Deb just happening , her soul came  actually into the wrong body, which was  a fat but smart and capable lawyer Jane's body. Deb is not the beauty of how life on earth, how can she have to find their own past it? The guardian angel, Fred's, help Deb began her new life as Jane.

    There are many points that this program attract me. Because I can learn the legal common sense in California, and realise how Deb address her brand-new life in this show.

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Today, I saw a news which happened in the Philippines. The history of the strongest typhoon landed in the Philippines petrel, the central city in the Philippines alone (alone Lu Wan),  it's possible that this typhoon could taok ten thousand lives. Philippine Interior Ministry said the saving operations are actively, they estimated casualty figures may be very alarming extent unimaginable disaster hit, all infrastructure, including telecommunications, electricity and water, all the disruption, they  almost have no way to get in touch with the suffered region.  Therefore, it's hard to imagine the damage cause by a natural diaster. Pray for Philippines.

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    I expect every Halloween in a year. When this day comes, I will make up and play a role such as vampire in oder to join the party. After I enter the party, the necessary thing what I need to do is scaring my friend. In this party, I'm not only playing with my friends but also celebrating for this festival.  This above is my planning schedule.

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I will never forget when I went swimming with my parents.When we arrived at the entrance of the swimming pool, a burst of fluster came into my mind suddenly. Next, I recalled that I had almost drowned in the pool when I was six, the pool looked as if it was deep and unmeasurable.I got my cold feet and sat around the corner for my painfully fear in my mind. However, my parents encouraged and supported me to try to feel water temperature. Even though chocked by water for many times, I still enjoyed the moment in water gradully. Then, I took courage to submerge my head into water. I eventually learned how to swim. I think that noting is difficult on this earth if your mind is set. As I make effort and never give up, I conquer my dread of innermost being, and then I'm sure that I will be closer to the success.

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    This evening, I watched a news was about our food and the health of Taiwanese. Recently, a company called "大統" was reported that the company has made and sold many toxic and harmful edible oil to comsumers for many years. A medical research reported that if you have been eating this oil for a long-term from that malicious company, the slight conditoin that you may get infecundity; however, the worst condition that you even could get cancer. Therefore, as we are choosing the food and material for cook, we had better look other people's usage of post-evalution for our own safty.


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    This morning I saw a new which was concerning the discrimination of employee's appearance. This event was resulted from a male employee who had tattoo on his body. When the boss saw his tattoo, this male employee was terminated with no rational ground. However, as the judge heard this case, the judge made a quick verdict that the staff won finally.

    According to this incident, I think that we never have right to judge anyone's appearance or even do harm on him. Because the most important is someone's inner quality, and the quality that you can not see it on his face.

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    Today I'm going to attend one of cousin's wedding banquet. I think the marriage is a extreme decision  for this couple who mean to love and live will forever. It is wondweful that fate  makes two persons can encounter. Besides, marriage also means someone step in another process of life. At last, I heartily bless  this couple can be in love permanently.

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    The autumn has  gradually come to us . The weather become comfortable and no longer hot. It said that the weather may influence on people's mind, and so do the season. I think this theory is convinced to me. On the other day for example, I was jogging in the park, the scene in front of my eyes is full of withered trees along the waklking side in the park. Certainly, It's not a big deal but it just a kind sentimentality in my mind.  

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